Our Story

The phrase "Sorry for your loss" has been heard by anyone who has experienced loss. Sympathies and condolences eventually fade, but grieving lasts a lifetime and you're left to pick up the pieces. Sorry For Your Loss (SFYL) Cards have answers when grief overwhelms you. We provide resources and tips to help people adjust to their new normal during the grieving process.

The Sorry For Your Loss (Cards) community is open to anyone who is grieving. Sorry For Your Loss (Cards) aims to improve the grief resources available to people of color. Historically, those communities have been taught to remain stoic and push through trauma- compounding pain on top of pain. The company's founder, Camila Crews, comes from that community and is committed to being a premier resource for members.

Sorry For Your Loss

About the Founder

Camila Crews knows firsthand how painful loss can be. Over the course of 20 years, she lost her father and mother. After losing her dad in 2022, while grieving, she had to manage his estate, which was incredibly difficult since she needed to find helpful resources like a grief group, a therapist and new approaches to her personal and professional life. This traumatic experience gave birth to Sorry For Your Loss (Cards).
